How to Get the 3rd Relic Slot in Honkai Star Rail

330 views 8:38 am 0 Comments July 4, 2023
how to get 3rd relic slot

Relics are special pieces of equipment that can be equipped in the relic slot for Death Knights, Druids, Paladins and Shamans. They can be obtained through a combination of clearing specific domains or defeating elite enemies that have a chance to drop them. Unlike characters or Light Cones, Relics cannot be acquired through the gacha system in Honkai Star Rail, and are instead mostly available through dungeons and raids.

Each class starts with two relic slots, unlocking the third once they’ve completed their Order Hall Questline. The third slot only grants one specific type of relic, however, and each relic has a designated element. For example, Rocket Chicken Rocket Fuel only occupies the Fire relic slot, while Luminous Spring Water can only be found in the Holy relic slot.

There are a number of relics in the game, including some rarer ones that can be obtained by clearing certain domains or defeating certain elite enemies. Each relic also has a chance to upgrade, and it’s possible to get an item with a 5-star rarity that can rival some legendary items!

Getting the 3rd relic slot in Honkai Star Rail is easy, as it’s simply a matter of clearing certain domains or defeating elite enemies that have the chance to drop them. For the most part, relics can be categorized into two types: Cavern and Planar. Cavern relics are designed to be equipped in the head, hands, body and feet slots, and they offer both a 2-Piece and 4-Piece set bonus. Unlike legacy relics, which only offered a single type of equip effect, the newer relics have a wide variety of stat effects and are able to be equipped by all classes capable of using relics.

In addition, relics can have up to four different sub-stats that are upgraded when the relic is leveled. These can be any of the following:

The Cracked Familiar Stone reduces incoming damage by a fair amount, which can help make the later areas of the game much easier to manage. The only downside is that it takes up a hefty three slots to equip.

Eldred’s Ring charges Lilie’s SP meter faster, which makes it easier for her to unleash powerful attacks. However, it costs a full three relic slots to equip.

To acquire it, you’ll want to head to the Subterranean Lab B4 Respite and work your way through the left exit. Once you’re in the next room, look for a breakable wall in the bottom left corner and use your Spectral Lance to bust it open.

The Luminant Aegis Curio is the only special relic in the game that can be obtained without taking on any of the game’s Secret Endings (C). It is required to see the third ending, though, so don’t miss out! It can be gotten by heading to the Dark Chamber Respite, dropping down and holding left as you land to land on the ledge that holds this Relic.